Why Does PRP Injection Hurt? An Expert's Perspective

Learn about why PRP injections are not usually painful and how they can help your body heal in incredible ways from an expert's perspective.

Why Does PRP Injection Hurt? An Expert's Perspective

Swelling is essential for blood cells to start aiding in the long-term healing process. Generally, PRP injections are not painful, although this may vary depending on the patient or the area of the body where the injection is given. To reduce discomfort, your doctor may suggest a local anesthetic. General anesthesia is usually not used in conjunction with PRP therapy.

Although PRP injections involve some degree of discomfort, your dermatologist will take all necessary steps to ensure you stay comfortable throughout the session. Taking pain relievers before and after treatment can also help manage any discomfort. Generally speaking, PRP injections are not painful. However, depending on the treatment site, you may experience some discomfort at the time of the injection and possibly some mild tenderness afterwards.

This is due to both the need for blood to be injected and with the injection itself. Anesthetics can be administered to help reduce some of the discomfort associated with placing a needle in the skin. The relief found with a PRP injection is not immediate, unlike that experienced by people with a cortisone injection. You may feel some pain and tenderness in the area of the injections for a few days.

This pain and some swelling can last for three to seven days, and then the movement and comfort of the joint gradually increase over the course of two weeks. PRP therapy injections are not usually painful and can help your body heal in incredible ways. There is no clear science to justify a particular amount of PRP and the number of injections needed. Trying to stimulate a healing response within the body can be challenging, and PRP injections can be an effective way to achieve that goal. PRP injections cause little harm and are certainly a reasonable option, but they are not usually covered by insurance plans. Finding a doctor who provides PRP injections can be a challenge, but they are most commonly offered by orthopedic doctors who specialize in treating chronic sports injuries. By injecting PRP into areas of injury, it is hoped that it will stimulate and optimize the body's ability to heal chronic diseases.

The only side effects that PRP patients experience are some minor bruising or pain when viewing the injection. While there is some data to support the use of PRP injections in certain clinical situations, there are other data that question whether this is more beneficial than traditional treatment. PRP injections have been a topic of great interest to orthopedic surgeons and their patients. When asking your trichologist if your PRP injection hurts, you'll learn that a certain amount of pain, tenderness, and discomfort is normal.

Kristen Barbre
Kristen Barbre

Friendly social media fanatic. Typical food lover. Web scholar. Infuriatingly humble pop culture buff. Evil web practitioner. Evil tv scholar.

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