How Often Should You Get PRP Injections?

Learn about how often you should get PRP injections and what results you can expect from this non-invasive procedure.

How Often Should You Get PRP Injections?

When it comes to PRP injections, there is no one-size-fits-all answer. After their initial treatment or series of treatments, most patients can expect to receive a single injection every four to six months to maintain their results. However, this timeline can be flexible depending on the individual case. Some may find that after six months have passed, they are still satisfied with their results and don't need any follow-up treatment.

To achieve the best outcome, treatment can be given by monthly injections for three consecutive months. The effects of PRP injections typically last for nine to 18 months, but in some cases, they can last up to two years. This is because each person's body metabolizes fillers differently. Depending on the skin condition you want to resolve, your doctor will recommend a treatment plan with PRP injections that is right for you.

Most patients require three treatments to achieve dramatic improvement in skin quality, and these sessions are usually scheduled one to two months apart. When injected into facial skin, a healing process occurs in which PRP stimulates blood flow and collagen production. PRP injections take resources from your body, improve them, and reintroduce them to your body to aid in the self-healing process. This is a non-invasive method of using the body's regenerative processes to rejuvenate the skin.

In terms of how long PRP injections will last for arthritis, there is no definitive answer. PRP injections are used for a variety of conditions*, from musculoskeletal pain and injury to cosmetic procedures. Studies and research suggest that one or more treatments per year is a good standard for how long PRP injections work in the body. Post-surgical PRP injections have also been used to help heal muscles, tendons and ligaments, as procedures in these tissues have notoriously long recovery times.

The effectiveness of a PRP treatment depends on the specific condition for which it is being used. Although the equipment used to produce PRP and the injections themselves have been approved by the FDA, this procedure is considered investigational and has not been officially approved by the FDA for most uses. Studies show that growth factors in PRP injections also inhibit melanocytes, which are the cells that produce melanin, the pigment that causes brown spots.

Kristen Barbre
Kristen Barbre

Friendly social media fanatic. Typical food lover. Web scholar. Infuriatingly humble pop culture buff. Evil web practitioner. Evil tv scholar.

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