How Many Rounds of PRP Do You Need for Hair Growth?

Find out how many rounds of PRP you need for hair growth. Learn about factors that affect the number of treatments needed and how often maintenance sessions should be scheduled.

How Many Rounds of PRP Do You Need for Hair Growth?

Most people who are considering PRP therapy for hair loss have one common question: how many rounds of PRP do I need? The answer to this question depends on the extent of hair loss and overall health of the patient. Generally, patients undergo a series of 3 to 6 PRP treatments in their initial round of therapy. After this, patients can enjoy fuller, healthier and denser hair for up to 1 to 5 years. To maintain the positive effects of the treatment, patients are advised to attend individual effective sessions every 4-6 months.

After the initial 4 sessions, your doctor may ask you to come for follow-up treatments at 6 months and then at 12 months. These complementary sessions work to maintain the positive effects of the treatment so that you continue to see a steady improvement in hair growth.PRP treatment requires maintenance sessions every six to twelve months to continue to produce positive results. Although PRP treatment has been shown to stimulate hair growth and thicken hair in areas that have been treated, it will not prevent new bald spots from forming on untreated areas of the scalp. The response to PRP will be different between patients and it is not known how long the benefits will last. Microneedling with PRP injections may be more expensive than taking each treatment alone, but it's definitely worth it because this combination has been proven to be effective.

PRP injections can be effective in treating male pattern baldness, both to prevent hair loss and to promote the growth of new hair. Unlike other treatments for hair loss, PRP therapy requires repeated injections to stimulate hair growth. Although the equipment used to produce PRP and the injections themselves have been approved by the FDA, this procedure is considered investigational and has not been officially approved by the FDA for most uses. Now, post-surgical PRP injections have expanded to help heal muscles, tendons and ligaments, as procedures in these tissues have notoriously long recovery times. Early studies indicate that PRP injections may help treat the pain and stiffness of osteoarthritis by modulating the joint environment and reducing inflammation, but research is increasing. In conclusion, most patients require 3 separate sessions with 5-6 week intervals for optimal results.

To maintain therapy results, patients are advised to attend individual effective sessions every 4-6 months. Microneedling with PRP injections may be more expensive than taking each treatment alone, but it's definitely worth it because this combination has been proven to be effective.

Kristen Barbre
Kristen Barbre

Friendly social media fanatic. Typical food lover. Web scholar. Infuriatingly humble pop culture buff. Evil web practitioner. Evil tv scholar.

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