How Long Does Pain Last After PRP Injection?

PRP injections are a popular treatment for various types of pain and hair loss. Learn about recovery time from PRP injection, side effects, activity limitations, and more.

How Long Does Pain Last After PRP Injection?

PRP injections are a popular treatment for various types of pain and hair loss. The recovery time from PRP injection varies depending on the area of the body being treated and the severity of the condition or injury. Generally, joint (intra-articular) injections have a fast recovery time of 3-5 days with possible swelling, while tendon and ligament injections can be painful for 7-10 days. After the initial pain subsides, improvement is gradual and may take up to 3-4 months.

It's important to note that you may not notice a difference immediately after receiving the injection. It may take several weeks to see or feel a change, and the area will continue to improve for another three to six months. Your doctor will discuss expectations with you regarding when you'll notice a difference and get relief. Side effects are not common when it comes to receiving PRP injections because they are derived from the patient's own blood.

However, you may experience some swelling or mild discomfort in the affected area, just as you would with any other injection or injection. PRP injections offer lasting pain relief, but often the initial treatment causes some pain, tenderness, or even pain. Modern studies suggest that PRP injections are more effective than cortisone injections, which simply mask inflammation and have no healing capacity. A big part of understanding recovery time from PRP injection is knowing the activity limitations expected of you.

It's important to follow your doctor's instructions carefully in order to ensure a successful outcome.

Kristen Barbre
Kristen Barbre

Friendly social media fanatic. Typical food lover. Web scholar. Infuriatingly humble pop culture buff. Evil web practitioner. Evil tv scholar.

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