How Long Does It Take for a PRP Injection to Work?

Learn about recovery time from platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injection and how it can help increase your body's normal regenerative capabilities.

How Long Does It Take for a PRP Injection to Work?

When it comes to healing and natural regeneration, platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections are a powerful tool. Depending on the condition, you can expect to see results two to six weeks after receiving a PRP injection. Minor injuries or cases of chronic pain usually show improvement within the first two weeks, while more serious injuries may take up to a month before any healing is noticed. PRP injections are prepared by taking one to several tubes of your own blood and passing them through a centrifuge to concentrate platelets.

These activated platelets are then injected directly into injured or diseased body tissue, releasing growth factors that stimulate and increase the number of repair cells your body produces. Recovery time from PRP injection is usually quite fast, with only a few days of pain before improvement is seen over time. For joint injections to treat arthritis, expect some pain and possible swelling for three to seven days. In general, recovery time from PRP injection is one to two days off and up to two weeks with walking support.

The theory behind PRP injections is that they will help increase your body's normal regenerative capabilities. Your body is very capable of healing itself when given the right push, and that's exactly what a PRP injection does. There is no established protocol for PRP injections in relation to any of the conditions they treat. PRP can be injected directly into problem areas of the face, such as deep wrinkles, or it can be used in conjunction with microneedle treatments for comprehensive rejuvenation.

Some of the main advantages of PRP injections are that they can reduce the need for anti-inflammatory drugs or stronger medications, such as opioids. Science is convincing that PRP injections are a very successful treatment for tendon injuries (tendinopathy). PRP injections used for musculoskeletal problems, especially joint injuries, usually take six weeks or more. Osteoarthritis, the most common and debilitating condition of cartilage, has long been a candidate for PRP injections.

However, as an autologous process (meaning that PRP comes from your own blood), your health may limit your ability to produce high-quality PRP. A big part of understanding recovery time from PRP injection is knowing the activity limitations expected of you. Patients using PRP injections for hair can return to most normal hair-related routines after three weeks.

Kristen Barbre
Kristen Barbre

Friendly social media fanatic. Typical food lover. Web scholar. Infuriatingly humble pop culture buff. Evil web practitioner. Evil tv scholar.

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