How Long Do PRP Injections Last?

Find out how long platelet rich plasma (PRP) injections last and what factors affect their effectiveness.

How Long Do PRP Injections Last?

The effects of PRP are not permanent, but they can last up to 18 months on average, with a maximum of two years as the longest reported effect. Clinical studies have shown that PRP injections can be effective for up to nine months, although the precise amount of time they last varies from person to person. Results also depend on the situation, and while every patient is different and not everyone responds to treatment in the same way, many studies suggest that the relief offered by PRP injections can last six to nine months. It may take several weeks for healing factors to complete their repair work after a treatment, but once they do, the results can be dramatic in terms of reducing pain and increasing mobility.

If an initial treatment fails to achieve the desired results after approximately three months, a second injection may be given. Although PRP results are not permanent, they can last up to an average of 18 months, with two years being the longest effect reported. In addition, patients may need follow-up treatment once a year. For optimal results, most hair loss patients need a minimum of three sessions, and each session is scheduled one month apart.

PRP starts working immediately and continues to work for up to two months. Usually, patients report that their symptoms continue to go away in the following months. Benefits last at least a year, although minor injuries can heal completely after one or two treatments. Depending on the specific condition you are seeking treatment for, we may recommend two or three injections, each of which will be scheduled several weeks apart.

During a PRP visit, we will draw a small amount of blood, centrifuge it in a centrifuge to separate the plasma, and then immediately inject that plasma into the area for which you are seeking treatment. You may need up to three PRP injections in a six-month period, which are usually done two to three weeks apart, but you may be able to achieve significant or complete relief after the first or second injection. We can very confidently assume that treatments will begin to reduce pain one week after the initial injection and will continue to be very useful for six months, perhaps longer if maintenance injections are added. However, as an autologous process (meaning that PRP comes from your own blood), your health may limit your ability to produce high-quality PRP.

For example, in cases of hair loss, PRP injection begins to fix damaged cells and tissues, thus stimulating hair growth by increasing blood flow to the follicles and transporting proteins to that scalp that promote cell growth. In addition, patients who participated in this study reported that their pain levels improved for six months after PRP injections. Finally, how a patient's body responds to initial PRP injections can also help determine how well and for how long they can benefit from treatment. Studies and research suggest that this is a good standard for how long PRP injections work in the body.

Your body is very capable of healing itself when given the right push, and that's exactly what a PRP injection does. The effectiveness of a PRP treatment depends on the specific condition for which PRP is being used.

Kristen Barbre
Kristen Barbre

Friendly social media fanatic. Typical food lover. Web scholar. Infuriatingly humble pop culture buff. Evil web practitioner. Evil tv scholar.

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